Questions Looming
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ALL SEEMS CALM Then Police Ignore Gunman? Questions Looming…..
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All music in this production is owned and maintained and sung by Joe Charter Records, and or is considered public domain. The music in this broadcast DOES NOT BELONG to UMG-Sony or any other publishing entity in which Facebook has partnered with to track digital creative work. The Broadcast should not be muted in any country. The Music Rights are Owned by Joe Charter Records (Registered in the United States of America) All recordings, broadcasts and music productions are Distributed and produced by Woodwind Media Group and Joe Charter Records USA https://www.woodwindmg.com/home/
Investing in our media business plan: Send mail to info@woodwindmg.com to schedule a presentation. Vetting is essential to proceed with a presentation. We are looking for warriors in media, our plan includes functioning broadcasting and production studios strategically located outside of major metropolitan cities throughout the USA. We are looking for one person to inject $500,000.00 to begin this process of hiring people and expansion of local reporters in FCM studios.
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