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Parental Alienation and Family Law Expert Expresses Idea’s For Legislation Full Show #infowindnewnews

Foster Care Children

Parental Alienation

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LIVE CALL IN SHOW Family Court Expert Expresses Idea’s For American Legislation

LIVE Interview of Joan T. Kloth-Zanard April 5th 3PM CDT 4PM EST

1) The felony of custodial interference that uses the psychological abuse of coercive control and parental alienating behaviors through domestic violence by proxy.

2) 35 years of scientific evidence, research and studies supports that this form of psychological abuse is real, is dangerous and the importance of proper education that is backed by this science and the increased retaliation against like minded professionals and experts for their scientifically backed position on this form of abuse.

3) The damages to the children’s executive functioning skills including critical thinking skills by this abuse.

4) 3 Strikes You’re Out! Program helps to prove who the problem is and impeding or not.

5) Fixing the problem by fixing the divide, establishing shared parenting as standard protocol, and stopping the adversarial process and collusion in the court and how to level the playing field from the ADA violations by the courts and attorneys.

Joan T. Kloth-Zanard

MFT, ADA Advocate, GAL, RSS, ABI, LC, PA Expert & DCF Certified

Founder, Board President of PAS Intervention, a 501c3 nonprofit dedicated to education and training of professionals and survivors of psychological abuse. She has a Masters in Marriage & Family Magna Cum Laude, a BS in Health and Psychology, minor in business, associates in exercise science, and extensive training in Reunification, Psychological Abuse, Child Psychology and other aspects related to Dysfunctional Family Processes. Joan is an expert in the fields of Parental Alienation, psychological abuse, intervention strategies, and techniques and strategies for moving forward and rebuilding a life after a traumatic event, or series of traumatic events. Joan is also a trained GAL, Owner/Moderator of several online support groups with over 2 Decades of experience working with Parental Alienation (PA). She has been vetted and qualified as an expert witness, and testified in the capacity of an expert and factual witness. She is also an ADA advocate. And lastly, as the author and co-author of two books, both in their 2nd Editions of publications, she continues to pursue the education and training of professionals and parents on a daily basis. She has also created tools and programs to assist in recognizing the patterns and dealing with them in court.

Reality is that most people don’t get to choose the things that happen to them. Hopefully though, they will arrive at a point in time where they are able to choose to be pro-active about what they want for their future. Joan has a passion for helping people recognize that point in time and then providing them with ongoing support and guidance to help them keep moving forward.

Joan is the author of “Where Did I Go Wrong? How Did I Miss The Signs? Dealing with Hostile Aggressive Parenting and Parental Alienation,” a contributing Editor in “Broken Family Bonds: Poems and Stories by Victims of Parental Alienation,” and continues to provide internationally, online, email, and text messaging support to survivors of psychological abuse.

She is an active advocate for victims and speaks to legislative bodies about the programs, services, and funding victims rely on for support while they journey to reclaim their lives. She also serves as a Guardian Ad Litem and is assigned by the court to cases where a minor child’s interests and rights are at risk.

For more Information you can contact her

Joan Teresa Kloth-Zanard, MFT, GAL, ADA Advocate, RSS, ABI and LC