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China under the communists did not bring about a peaceful utopia and in fact, the outcome we observe today has been predictable. Communists are ruthless atheists who worship only themselves and their own power. They are without honor or ethics and have no respect for human beings or even life itself. Look at the pollution in China. Look at how animals are treated in China. Look at how the Falun Gong, Muslims, and Christians are persecuted there.
Kissinger and Nixon set a bad precedent by appeasing the Chinese. They thought by placating Mao, they might help usher in a peaceful resolution for the South Vietnamese. At the time it was seen as the penultimate in statesmanship and it set a trend for future presidents. They all acquiesced to China, which received top trading status and entry into the World Trade Organization. The Chinese were allowed to control factions in the UN as well as steal our technology, send spies to our universities and influence our media in order to make sure a bad word was never uttered about the Chicoms…….
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-Ben Garrison
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