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INFOWIND NEW NEWS was created and founded by Joe Charter Wirkus, a musician with roots in Nashville, Iowa and Illinois, and Nevada. He has been in the music industry over 30 years and has published a multitude of songs, Google “Joe Charter Music” Like many musicians, Charter held down a day job to support his passion. The platform included music video productions released to the public consistently over years and accelerated video equipment build up resulting in a music studio that can do audio and visual productions efficiently. The studio in Des Moines and Indianola Iowa is called “Purple Theater Live” and We are afiliated with other production studios, photographers, an film maker in Iowa and around the world.
Charter began producing other webcasting publications for political, business and entrepreneurs to help others get messages out on social media and is active in the local Des Moines community. INFOWIND New News is currently publishing guest appearances supporting or challenging different social and political causes through commentary and news reporting supported by research. We produce webcasting segments that feature national and international alternative news personalities.
On the Easter holiday year 2020 we launched our first official live broadcast called Media Nomad primarily on Facebook live and segments are ongoing. . We promote educational alternative news from around the globe. Search “Infowind new news” We use hashtags #infowindnewnews #TheMediaNomadShow and #WeChangeTheWorld We are “anti google” as 7 years of our work was removed from the internet. People should be picketing at google facilities around the world for what we have allowed. We steer away from all things “google” We use other methods to get the word out.
Joe Charter created INFOWIND and is only one of our outreach efforts. Woodwind Media Group is the parent company now under and operates as a film company, video marketing, podcast developer and many other publishing supprot mechanisms.
If you have the means to donate we are in need of support to continue to sustain and grow. We do not work for anyone but you! Click the Paypal thumbnail on the site or click the icons or links here or Cashapp$INFOWINDnewnews
WWMG Banned Video, CENSORED, Censorship, Content
Youtube segments on-going and growing until Google Deleted our great channel July of 2021 ! Our future will depend on how we react to the censorship. We will not do business with controlling entities that squelch freedom and creativity and we encourage you to do the same. 7 years of work, thousands of productions gone. Yes we have back-up copies of 80%. That is not the point.